I am an Austrian artist who lives and works in Croatia, on the Dalmatian Adriatic coast on the island Korcula and in Austria on the Neudörfler lake.
I have exhibited my works on international art fairs, presenting my art in great galleries throughout the year, situated around the world, for example: New York, Venice, Madrid, Paris, Miami, Vienna and also exhibitions in London and Milano. Moreover, I was invited to the 59th Biennale di Venezia 2022 in
the MUSA Pavilion and also to the 4th Biennale de ARTE BARCELONA in the MEMA (European
Museum of Modern Art) of Barcelona.
Finding inspiration in nature and the beauty of the Adriatic Sea, my work translates my emotions into
shapes, textures, and colors.

My biggest inspiration comes from the beauty of the Croatian landscape, but especially in my art
studio on the beautiful Adriatic coast of Korcula with the most breathtaking view.
Art has been a passion of mine I have had since childhood. Ever since then I have been creative and enjoyed expressing myself artistically in various forms. However, the past year I have rediscovered
and further refined my passion for painting.

Each painting has its own story, but I would like each observer to see something personal in it, some
kind of reflection of one's soul.
Painting, for me, is a brilliant way to meditate and express my emotions, state of mind and needs of
constant change and freedom.

My way of painting: knowledge and perception through working out details and observing the
process of creating art.
Overview of my life:
I was born in Austria and am currently mostly living and working in Croatia, on the Dalmatian Adriatic
coast of Korcula, with a fantastic outdoor studio, located directly at the sea.
Master's degree study in Executive Management MBA, General Management in Vienna. In addition to my business career in Executive Management I started to paint since 2009 I have attended master classes by various lectures
to learn about different techniques and materials.
I also was in themaster classes by the fantastic art lecturer Christian Ludwig Attersee.
Actually I am studing on the University for applied art Vienna "Die Angewandte"   the postgraduate Master degree "Art & Economy"


I am an Austrian abstract emerging artist who lives and works in Croatia, on the Dalmatian Adriatic
coast on the island Korcula and in Austria in the Vienna Forest near Vienna. 
I have exhibited my
works on international art fairs, presenting my art in great galleries throughout the year, situated around the world, for example: New York, Venice, Madrid, Paris, Miami, Vienna and also virtual
exhibitions in London and Milano. Moreover, I was invited to the 59th Biennale di Venezia 2022 in
the MUSA Pavilion and also to the 4th Biennale de ARTE BARCELONA in the MEMA (European
Museum of Modern Art) of Barcelona.
Finding inspiration in nature and the beauty of the Adriatic Sea, my work translates my emotions into
shapes, textures, and colors.

My biggest inspiration comes from the beauty of the Croatian landscape, but especially in my art
studio on the beautiful Adriatic coast of Korcula with the most breathtaking view.
Art has been a passion of mine I have had since childhood. Ever since then I have been creative and enjoyed expressing myself artistically in various forms. However, the past year I have rediscovered
and further refined my passion for painting.

Each painting has its own story, but I would like each observer to see something personal in it, some
kind of reflection of one's soul.
Painting, for me, is a brilliant way to meditate and express my emotions, state of mind and needs of
constant change and freedom.

My way of painting: knowledge and perception through working out details and observing the
process of creating art.
Overview of my life:
I was born in Austria and am currently mostly living and working in Croatia, on the Dalmatian Adriatic
coast of Korcula, with a fantastic outdoor studio, locatrd directly at the sea.
Master's degree study in Executive Management MBA, General Management in Vienna.

In addition to my business career in IT Management, the last 20 years I have attended master classes by various artists
to learn about different techniques and materials.
Since the beginning of 2021 I have taken master classes by the fantastic art lecturer Christian Ludwig
Actually I am studing on the University for Angewandte Kunst in Vienna Art & Economy.